Something That Bothers Me About Photography
In photography you deal with a bunch of things. You have to deal with everyone that works with you, the models, technical problems, and choosing a theme. The thing that bothers me the most is not being able to find the right location. It's very hard to get the right picture, because it all depends where you are, like the background, lighting, and people around you. Usually when you take picture, you always want it to come out perfect, but when you see it, it isn't, mostly because of the background. This bothers me so much because I dont like for my picture to be runied just because someone stupid in the background or the sun being to bright. But then again sometimes the background/location matters so much, in certain photos, because it might set a mood. But also, the perfect picture might have a not so perfect background and set off the mood. This won't stop me from taking pictures, and it's not the end of the world, but it's just something that bothers me very much in the photography world.