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What Do I Worry About In Photography

In photography I worry about 3 things. Its mostly about how the world sees photography and how new photographers are dealing with photography. To start off with, adults are starting to see photography differently. They see it as just as models showing off their body. They don't see it as art. This worries me, because they shouldn't be thinking like that. They should have an open mind. Another thing that worries me is, the new photographers. I'm not saying this about every person. This is just in general. As I see these people all over social media, I only see them taking photos for the money. They don't care and don't see anything besides taking a picture of the model. They don't see the art in it, and only care about how famous they're going to be and how much money they're going to make. Lastly, I worry about the models who don't take the photographer seriously. It's sad how bad they get treated, because the model thinks, she's the more important part of the photo shoot. But, in reality, there would be no photo shoot, if there was no photographer.

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