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Thing I'm Afraid Of....

Oh my gosh there is so many things to be afraid of, or should I say I AM afraid of. To start off, I am afraid of all insects. If it's in front of me, near me, or on me I will scram. I don't carre of it's a ant or the biggest spider in the world, I was still have the same reaction, which is scared to death. Another thing I am afraid of is heights. I say this is only sometimes because it all depends how high it is, I mean I'm not really scared if it's a hundred feet, but if it's thousands of feet, I'm pretty scared. One other fear that I have that is on my top 3, is rollercoasters. I don't care if it's the baby rollercoaster or the tallest one, I am really afraid and won't go on it at all. This makes things difficult at amusement parks because most of the time they are only full of rollercoasters, which means I won't go on that many rides. But thats okay I guess the little kid rides are fun, now that I'm used to it. Moving on the next thing I'm afraid of is thinking about my future. The future scares me a bit because I don't know what is going to happen and that's scary. The last thing i am afraid of is skydiving. Skydiving looks so fun to do, but looks so terrifying at the same time. I don't think I will ever go skydiving. Not knowing what will happen as soon as jump out of that plane. But it's okay, it's not like I'm gonna do it anytime soon.

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