Uncooperative Models
Yes I'm talking about a topic I've already talked about it. I wanna help as many photographers as I can, with the experience I Have gone through with uncooperative models.My experience with this was when I first starting taking pictures. I started with taking pictures of my friends, and it was difficult. Some of them or most of them didn't really care, so they just keep messing around.How I dealt with this was having lots of patience and trying not to get angry to fast. Advice for younger children would be always having toys or candy for them to look forward to so you can quickly take the picture. For young adults and older, they should already know to listen, but if they don't, you could try and schedule their session in parts, so they don't get antsy. If you can't get them to leave you can take more photos of them sitting. Most of the time, they get upset because they hate to keep standing. I hope some of my advice can help you with any of your problems, with these types of models.