10 Years From Now...
Thinking about where I would be in ten years. Ten years from now i hope I am married and starting a family. My dream is to have a family....

"The Clothes Make the Man"
This is a quote from Shakespeare. This quote means that people will always judge you, off of what you wear, meaning how you dress.

Good Photos?
When I take a good picture I am never afraid to show anyone, not even the world. Why would you be afraid? Taking a good picture is...

Things That Should Have Never Happened
Okay, therre is some many things that should never been invented. For example, mostly everthing that on social media, and some social...
Beautiful Pictures
There are so many ways you could edit to make your picture come out good, but let me tell you the ways I think you could make your...
Photography Gets Me Worried?
In photography a couple things makes me worried. When I talk about photography I talk about photography class, at my school. So in this...
Favorite Photographs?
Okay so I'm not going to lie to you. I don't have any "favorite" photos. I just pretty much favorite any photo that looks beautiful to...
When I Take A Picture
When I take a picture there is many rules I follow to make sure the picture is good to post. Also just before I take a picture, there is...
Best Advice?
I always ask my friends for advice. I think it is the best thing to do in most situations. The best advice I've ever recieveed was when I...